Study: Nature helps Canadians cope with the pandemic

According to a recent poll conducted for the Nature Conservancy of Canada, 94 percent of Canucks are turning to nature to relieve anxiety and stress during the pandemic. It’s a trend that is especially prevalent with women and young families.

The study polled 2,000 Canadians. According to the survey results, three-fourths of Canadians say spending time outdoors is more important to them now than ever before. Canadians also recognize the value of outdoor space for connecting with others, with 78 percent of respondents acknowledging that being in nature is the best way to visit with friends and family.

And the good news for all of us? Nature starts right at our backdoor! “Backyarding” has become a way of life for all of us as lawns, gardens, patios and decks evolved into the outdoor office, classroom and gathering place.

In the survey, over half of Canadians said they plan to spend more time outdoors this winter. How are you adding more backyarding into your family’s routine this winter?




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