Have you heard about Yardi Gras?

“Backyarding” has become a way of life over the last year as homeowners have gotten really creative with ways to utilize their lawns, gardens, patios and decks. Case in point? “Yardi Gras” in New Orleans.

Because of the pandemic, the traditional parades celebrating the annual festival have been scrapped. Instead, Mardi Gras has become the socially-distanced Yardi Gras. Homeowners have channeled their decorating skills into their homes and yards, creating amazing and elaborate “house floats” with their lawns as the canvas for their creations.

Mardi Gras revelers are invited to participate by “parading” through the city by foot, bike or car to tour the different neighborhoods. New Orleans & Company, the convention and visitor bureau for the city, has published a full map of all of the house float homes here.

How have you creatively utilized your yard? Show us how you “backyard” by sharing a photo on TurfMutt’s Facebook page. Or, send email for the chance to be featured in an upcoming issue of the Mutt Mail monthly eNewsletter.






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